Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain
Do You Suffer From Neck Pain?

Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve Neck pain but more importantly regular preventive care can help with illnesses associated with spinal spinal column, pelvic girdle, nervous system and joints.
Chiropractic healthcare counter balances the day to day wear and tear we put on our bodies.
Hands on Chiropractic’s solutions are centered on this particular easy theory: the vertebral column is the body’s base.
“If it is correctly aligned, the human body works in a state- of “ease”. When the back is out of position, the human body is in state of “dis-ease”.
Doctor Coleman has many years of experience helping people just like you with their pain relief. Our ultimate goal is to help you achieve optimal health & well being.
We offer an immediate appointments for new patients to help evaluate your condition and give you a detailed explaination & treatment plan to help you start feeling better again.
Watch the short video on our homepage to learn more.
Neck & Shoulder Pain
Mid & Lower Back Pain
Sports Injuries
Auto Accident
Work Related Injuries
Senior Chiropractic Care
Pediatric Adjustments
Pain due to Pregnancy
Headache Pain
Not all chiropractors are the same. My story goes like this, I went to the same chiropractor for close to 30 yrs and so became close friends. I dis-located my clavicle which was very painful at times especially when exercising. Time after time he tried to put it back in place and get it to hold but it never would. It would pop out of it’s socket within hours or sometimes Immediately which was very frustrating. The other 2 chiropractors in the office also tried but still the same result. So 8-10 months went by having to live with the pain.
I finally took my wife’s advice to see her chiropractor Dr Coleman. I kid you not, with only one adjustment and there was a world of difference! The adjustment was done in weird position but boy did it work! Now it never pops out of it's socket and it is 100% pain free and has been for 3-4 yrs now.
Doctor Coleman has been a Associate professor at a Chiropractic College for many years so he knows his stuff. I found out he teaches refresher courses to experienced chiropractors! So I ask you, who would you rather have adjusting your back or neck, the student or the teacher? He’s one of the best chiropractors in Pleasanton in my opinion!
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